Since Greg and I are going to Boston next weekend, we are leaving the boys with my parents. Specifically we're leaving Jackson with my dad and stepmom (Sherry) and Lance with my mom and Joe. Jackson had never been to my dad's before, so I wanted to take him over to meet their animals and smell his way around the house.
Since my dad and Sherry live so close to my work, it didn't make a lot of sense for me to go all the way back home to get Jackson only to turn around again. Greg was nice enough to come bring Jackson to meet me at work so I could just leave from there. He brought Lance along for the ride too, and they drew quite a crowd! After Greg and Lance left, I brought Jackson up to run around in my classroom. I tried to get a photo of him sitting on a chair, which wasn't so easy. :)

Jackson was great though, and everyone commented on how cute and sweet he is (and how big he has gotten!) Since Jackson and Lance came from one of our custodian's dogs, he has close ties to Linganore, and everyone at work has seen photos that I have emailed around.

After we left school, I headed over to my dad and Sherry's house. Sherry was the only one home at the time, so we played with Jackson in the backyard for a bit. And then she brought Toby out- who is a feisty little Pomeranian. Toby is cute, full of energy, and a nice little dog. I was sure that him and Jackson would get along just fine. But, boy was Jackson scared of him! Toby made it
very clear right away that Jackson was on his turf, and Jackson didn't try to argue! Instead, he hid between Sherry's legs! Toby definitely barked at Jackson for a while and Jackson didn't try to push it. After a while, he tried to "make friends" with Toby by giving him a little kiss, but Toby wasn't having it. I think Toby got tired after a while and just gave up, but the two never really played together.

I'm pretty sure that they'll get along just fine after Jackson is there for a little while longer next weekend. Keating and Noah came home from school soon after that and Keating cam outside to play with the dogs. Jackson saw this as another opportunity for someone to cuddle up to and "hide under." We just had to laugh at him. It's funny to see Jackson dominated by another dog (and such a little one at that) because he's such an alpha at home. Sometimes it's nice to see another dog boss him around, because he bosses poor Lance around all the time. (We know it's all in good fun though.)

We took the dogs inside the house and Sherry played with Jackson for a bit while Keating played some beautiful piano music for me (she is
so talented!!) While I was listening to her play, my dad came home and they introduced Jackson to Chopper, the cat and the other dog, Maizie (who is a long-hard chihuahua. Let's just say that neither of them are going to be Jackson's new best friend. We took them back outside and played fetch for a while. Toby made it very clear again that it was
his ball that was being thrown, and again, Jackson respected that. And it made me very proud that Jackson didn't try to fight! He's such a sweet dog, and behaved so well. I would feel horrible leaving a crazy, out-of-control dog with my dad and Sherry to watch while we're gone!
After we left, Jackson slept the whole way home...
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