Things to make me smile while I'm at work
>> 5.26.2010

Since Greg and I are going to Boston next weekend, we are leaving the boys with my parents. Specifically we're leaving Jackson with my dad and stepmom (Sherry) and Lance with my mom and Joe. Jackson had never been to my dad's before, so I wanted to take him over to meet their animals and smell his way around the house.
Since my dad and Sherry live so close to my work, it didn't make a lot of sense for me to go all the way back home to get Jackson only to turn around again. Greg was nice enough to come bring Jackson to meet me at work so I could just leave from there. He brought Lance along for the ride too, and they drew quite a crowd! After Greg and Lance left, I brought Jackson up to run around in my classroom. I tried to get a photo of him sitting on a chair, which wasn't so easy. :)
The boys got a bath over at Central after leaving the dog park. They were SO good! Usually they bark and squirm, but both were calm and even acted like they liked getting a bath today. It was so much easier- and quicker!
We took the pups to Club Dogz (which has a supervised dog park with rules) earlier today. We heard about this place from the owners of Stryker (L&J's Golden buddy from Puppy K). They have both an indoor and outdoor dog park that people can take dogs to run around off-leash on Saturdays and Sundays. We figured that this would be a good way for the boys to meet and play with other doggies, since they had such a good time at Bark in the Park last weekend. Here are a few photos:
Here are a few photos of the boys hanging out in the kitchen on Friday afternoon. Notice how differently they lay!
Jackson and Lance rarely have accidents in the house anymore. But when Jackson does, he sure does look guilty afterward...
Here is a comparison of Lance from February 2nd to May 1st. He looks like a real adult dog now (even though he is still 100% puppy)! The boys turned 5 months old on May 2nd. And growing bigger by the day!
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