Dogs take over the living room
>> 4.19.2010
My mom will cringe when she sees these (well, the photos of the pups on the couch anyway). We let the boys run around the living room each night for a while and they always go right for the couch first. They are still mainly confined to the kitchen, mainly because they are teething and will eat everything in sight.
These photos are from Sunday night:
Jackson sitting (he has the weirdest little sitting pose!)
Lance sitting
Lance takes over the coffee table
Jackson on his bed
Lance on the couch with the new West Paw frisbee I got him at M.O.M.'s that day
Lance and Jackson playing on the couch (it looks a lot more vicious than it really is!)
Lance taking over the couch
Lance dropped a toy, so he and Jackson try to find it
Jackson sitting right under Greg's legs
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