One of the things that Greg and I have been trying to do is slowly introduce the boys to the rest of the house. For the most part, they are confined to the kitchen. It's safe to have them there, mostly because any "accidents" are easier to clean up on the kitchen floor. We have also "puppy-proofed" the kitchen more than any other room in the house, and there are very few things that they can tear apart in there. Although, it should be noted that the did manage to chew up the crown molding, stools, and the corners of the windowsills. We sprayed all of the "chew-zones" with bitter apple spray, and it seems to have worked- they haven't chewed in over two weeks. But they LOVE to chew on their toys, which is obviously wonderful. Unfortunately, I've heard that we haven't even begun to see the beginning of the "teething stage." Great.
Each night, we let the boys run around the living room. They go nuts- chasing each other in circles, jumping on the couches (which is funny now, but I'm sure we'll regret later), and their favorite thing- running up and down the stairs. It was hard to get them to sit still for more than 2 seconds, but I managed to get a few photos.
I've read that it's definitely important to introduce the dogs to the rest of the house, so that they learn to "respect the space." They have both had accidents in the living room, but we're hoping that this gets better. Greg and I definitely look forward to when they can just play nicely in the living room or relax with us while we watch tv.

Something happened today that very much sucked- Lance bit me. Bad. Now, he didn't mean to at all- but it still sucked. Greg had gone into the office today and I came straight home after work, and was planning to do my work out at home. I was working out in the living room and letting the boys roam around in the kitchen. They were playing near the baby gate, also able to keep an eye on me. Lance somehow got the foot on his right back leg caught in the gate and started screeching in pain. He didn't know what to do and kept turning over, trying to get free. I ran over to him and tried to pull his foot out and it didn't move. I tried again and he bit down on my hand- hard. I yelled at him to "drop" but he just bit down harder. Poor guy looked SO terrified, but wouldn't let go of my hand. I finally got him to drop my hand, but then he bit my opposite arm. I managed to finally get his foot free- and (my) blood was everywhere. Lance kind of limped away, but looked at me concerned. I don't know if he knew that he had hurt me, but I know he certainly didn't mean to. I have quite a few bike marks all over my hand and arm, nothing too deep, but since there were so many, hence the large amount of blood. I washed it, used peroxide and have lots of gauze around my hand, so I'll live. But, again... it did suck. And hurt. A lot. I took photos, but I will spare anyone from looking at them.
That is exactly what we did with Boomer when he was a pup - kept him in the kitchen complete with baby gates. I don't think he was allowed upstairs for a few years!
The biting will get better as long as you are consistent. The problem we had was that Kevin always let Boomer bite/chew on his hands. WTH, Kevin? He also let Boomer on the couch. Mixed messages for the poor dog.
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