Snowpacolypse 2010- part 2!
>> 2.11.2010
Today is the day after the big storm (which was even worse than the one last weekend) and somehow, we all survived (with power, no less)! I really thought I was going to go crazy yesterday- I think the boys fed off my stressed and anxious energy and they were just out of control. The blizzard started on Tuesday with some light snow (which piled up on top of the feet of snow that we already had) but got much worse overnight and throughout the day on Wednesday.
The winds were incredible- 40 mph+ gusts which literally shook the whole house. Lance and Jackson were terrified to go outside to do their business, and we had to try to coax them to go (without much success). Even when we walked out with them, they clung to our legs like little children. So much of yesterday was spent cleaning up pee and poop off of the kitchen floor. We've also basically been snowed in since Friday (I made a trip to the grocery store on Monday)- Greg and I are beyond stir-crazy! This morning greeted us with bright sunshine and winds that are much more tolerable, but the aftermath here is pretty insane. Some of the snow drifts all taller than me- it will be quite interesting to see how we are going to get rid of all of this stuff to be able to drive!
All of that being said- I am certainly enjoying school being closed (and really, everything is closed!) this week- especially since tomorrow is my 30th birthday and I don't have to spend it at work! I am hoping that I can go to my other job (teaching spin class) tomorrow morning, but not holding my breath since classes there have been canceled all week as well.
The boys are growing bigger each day, especially Lance. He seems so much bigger than Jackson now- it's hard to believe they are from the same litter! I can't wait for their next check-up, which is in two weeks, to see how much weight they've gained. I'm guessing quite a few pounds!
We are definitely regulating their diet very well to make sure that they eat enough, but are not overfed. And the boys LOVE to eat. They go crazy and can smell their food from a mile away. Since part of the raw food is dehydrated (the veggie/fruit mix) it has to be rehydrated with warm water before it can be mixed in with meat and served. This takes about 10-15 minutes, which the boys spend jumping up and down in excitement. We have been trying to teach them to calm down before they can be given food- we certainly don't want to reward this crazy behavior (even though it is pretty funny to watch)!
We've been taking them on daily (supervised) tours around the house so that they can explore and learn to respect the other living areas. Since they are confined to the kitchen and will be until they are housebroken, it's important to get them out of there once in a while. Especially with this insane weather- there's no way we could have taken them for a walk yesterday. They love to smell their way around the house- and they are PROS at going up and down the stairs now- they just love it!
Life has changed so much in the past 10 days- it seems like we've had them forever!

The boys are growing bigger each day, especially Lance. He seems so much bigger than Jackson now- it's hard to believe they are from the same litter! I can't wait for their next check-up, which is in two weeks, to see how much weight they've gained. I'm guessing quite a few pounds!

We've been taking them on daily (supervised) tours around the house so that they can explore and learn to respect the other living areas. Since they are confined to the kitchen and will be until they are housebroken, it's important to get them out of there once in a while. Especially with this insane weather- there's no way we could have taken them for a walk yesterday. They love to smell their way around the house- and they are PROS at going up and down the stairs now- they just love it!
Life has changed so much in the past 10 days- it seems like we've had them forever!
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